Nuclear Hair Drier

Nuclear Hairdrier

Be careful. The heat-gun shown here can start flammables on fire. Flammables would be things like:
  • hair;
  • wood;
  • hair;
  • skin;
  • hair;
  • plastic;
  • hair;
  • paint;

...and of course, hair. I was very careful not to over-heat the paint on the fork. If you damage your fork with a heat-gun I don’t believe the manufacturer will give you your money back. Place the mouse curser over a "dramatization" to clear up the image.

Torque Assistance

Open-End & Allen Wrench Combo

I tried this with an 8mm open-end wrench, but the jaws kept flaring out. The 16mm open-end is an all-around beefier wrench than the 8mm open-end. I had to fill the 8mm gap between the jaws of the wrench and the brake boss with an 8mm Allen wrench. I also needed to apply considerable twisting action with the Allen wrench, but it worked.

Of course, I immediately had to fill the empty places I just created with fancy-shmancy stainless-steel button-head bolts. One of those fancy bolts holds the Hose Retainer in place.

Sorry that the 8mm Allen wrench got in the way during the photo session.